Another key feature of your answer in the exam needs to be recognition of the future. How will this collective identity go on to be represented?
Through the internet and sites like Youtube and sites like Facebook, or whatever the next social networking site will be!
Where are the representations of you? Where do you express yourself? (Facebook, personal blog, Youtube, online worlds)
The representations of youth are seen in most media forms, e.g. T.V, Newspapers, Film and the internet. The news represents youth as being violent, hoodie wearing people who would sooner stab you or mug you rather than acknowledge you. Most of today's youth uses the internet as a way of expressing themselves, this happens in a variety of ways from Facebook to Youtube.
Who is currently in control of the modes of production for how young people are represented?
The media is the one who are in control of how most people view young people.
Use Buckingham's theory to extend your point further...
Buckingham's theory helps this by showing that children's personality and opinions can be warped by viewing things within the "Adult realm" earlier than they would be able to understand properly. An example of this could be the watching of films that are age certificated much higher than the child's age.
What examples of young people being in control of the construction of the way in which their collective identity is represented can you find? What are the implications of this?
Youth on the internet use sites like Youtube to host their own video blogs, in this they can get their views on current situations, or what they found funny this week. This allows youth to do this without adult intrusion giving an uncensored or modified version of what they are really like. (usually, as some people have an online persona)
What could happen in the future in terms of who is in control of representations? What evidence can you find that this could develop?
Adults will always be in charge of the media, therefore the views of youth culture will always be seen throughthe eyes of people who have a "Rose tinted" view of their own youth and will see younger generations as being more violent/troublesome than their own.