Another key feature of your answer in the exam needs to be recognition of the future. How will this collective identity go on to be represented?
As the media expands and develops this creates a ball of power which the media has control of. This is evident in today's current issue of youths being anti-social and feral. As the media develops it gives them the opportunity to change public opinion and influence our collective identity. However as the media expands there are likely to be more views expressed which are contradicting, this may cause civil war.
Where are the representations of you? Where do you express yourself? (Facebook, personal blog, youtube, online worlds)
There are many representations through out the media and the society. This is from TV, radio and film. One of the main representations that we give ourselves comes from the internet. This is mainly from social networking sites such as facebook, myspace and bebo. Also from othersites such as youtube we also create representations.
Who is currently in control of the modes of production for how young people are represented?
Use Buckingham's theory to extend your point further...
Buckingham said that because the adults have control over the media and how young people are represented the views they portray are not always true.
What examples of young people being in control of the construction of the way in which their collective identity is represented can you find?
Skins series 3-5 was written by young writers. Young people also control what they put on their facebook and youtube accounts.
What are the implications of this?
The implications of this is good and bad, it gives the chance for the youths to say what they are actually like, but it can also be bad as youths could over exagurate what it is actually like, for example skins.
What could happen in the future in terms of who is in control of representations? What evidence can you find that this could develop?
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