Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Another key feature of your answer in the exam needs to be recognition of the future. How will this collective identity go on to be represented?

the media is currently generalizing British youth into a bad stereotype that people should fear and because of this do.we feel feel that because of this, people will go on to fear the British youth and keep associating them with the bad press they are given by the media. even people within the youth culture who are of the same age have begun to fear the generalized version on British youth but certain texts, like Misfits tries to tackle this by showing a friendlier side to a stereotypical youth. however, as this type of program that shows an understanding of the youth has a target audience of the people of the age that is being generalized, the older generations will continue to fear the youth as there is nothing to contradict their generalized views.

Where are the representations of you? Where do you express yourself? (Facebook, personal blog, youtube, online worlds)

the representations of us as a youth are only really shown in television and film which as we have seen are clearly not true representations of ourselves and are are usually from an adults perspective. other than this, we as a youth don't have any easy way of expressing our selves or challenging this stereotypical view that we have been labeled with.

Who is currently in control of the modes of production for how young people are represented?

 as we have seen, it is mostly adult views that are exressed through the media of the British youth. adult views on television of the british youth constantly try and teach the youth a 'lesson' in how to behave or act. they are massivley focused on bringing youth culture back to how it was when they were young as they feel that a stricter up bringing leads to a more acceptable and civilized way of living.

What examples of young people being in control of the construction of the way in which their collective identity is represented can you find?
certain sites like youtube and facebook, where people, especially the youth, can represent themselves how they feel the want to be represented are becoming more prominent and wide spread. having said this, we do believe that the main audience for sites like these are the youth themselves so they don't really impact the stereotypes of british youth as much as they probably should. so the implications of this are not very significant at all as it doesn't effect the stereotypical and judgmental view of British youth.

What could happen in the future in terms of who is in control of representations? What evidence can you find that this could develop?

we are beginning to see a slow and slight change in the way that the British youth is represented in the form of Misfits and similar programmes. if this continues and if a similar representation is shown to a wider, more adult audience then it could be that the adult view and the stereotype's could change to a more understanding view of the British youth. this could come with the wider interest within young people to be more involved within the media.

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