Wednesday, 9 February 2011

1970s vs 2009

Employment - in the 1970s there was mass unemployment reaching one of the highest rates on record.
Political situation - There was a conservative government lead by Margaret Thatcher it was named the decade of strikes.
Immigration policy and Situation - 1972 people could only settle with a work permit, which only allowed white nationals in foreign countries to live in the UK whereas other nationalities were not allowed. The country faced the problem of a split society.
Crime rates - was at its highest

Unemployment - was at its highest from 2008 to 2010
Political situation - The welfare state has grown dramatically which has allowed more people to live of benefits and to not work at all. The new liberal conservative coalition have to tackle the countries deficit which means higher taxes and lower public spending which has increased unemployment
Immigration -  More controlled and fair now with people being able to come into to country from the EU to seek a better life
Crime - youths and ASBOs etc

Minder and Misfits - 
in Minder diversity within a collective group becomes apparent with the three black men who are referred to as "spades". One, who is clearly the leader, wants to escape and go to ethiopia whilst the other two want to stay in britain. There is clearly racism around at this time as Arthur Daly expresses on the telephone "how could you let yourself" be captured by these three "spades". This shows a social divide between white and black. The white people at the end are sitting on the floor all in pain or overheating. This shows an almost role reversal between white and black as if the black people are fighting back. In minder they are all middle aged men and the crime had come from black people. Crime in the 19702 was more associated with older and black people which contrasts largely with Misfits as all the criminals about to start their community service are what we'd call "youths".  In Misfits there is a clear difference between all the people in the group. This shows all diversity within the collective group of being British. There is no racism in Misfits even though there are ethnic members in the group which shows how far society has come. 2

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