Thursday, 6 January 2011

1. In groups discuss what your understanding of the term 'collective identity' is. Blog a summary of your discussions.

This is what a group of people would determine themselves and their believes, and how they represent themselves to others. It is almost like the opposite of a stereotype as this is what others would label you, but this is more what the person would label themselves.

2. Then discuss what you understand 'Britishness' to mean? What does being British mean to you? Blog a summary of your discussion.

To be British is to be patriotic which is very obvious in this film. The view of Britishness from modern day British people is very different from in 1947. The role of the monarch now is very different as how it was in say medieval times, where the king/queen was the highest authority and had an immense amount of power, the British would worship them and to be British was to support them. Nowadays the Queen may still be powerful but politics seems to show as the main principle of Britishness. Along with this has gone the old idealism of patriotism.Propaganda during the war used our identity to rally us into battle and to protect ourselve. However now the war we are in now is not trying to force us to war.

3. Blog a summary of how the clips from Passport to Pimlico construct a representation of Britishness.

The people in the film are all a community, they work together and everyone seems to know everyone else. So when they find out that they are actually Burgundian they are all outraged to almost be exiled from the country they have been so patriotic too.The policemens response was very British as he sort of shrugged it off as a minor setback. And the word Blimey in general is a very British phrase.
The second clip shows that as British people we don't like to be pushed around or told what we can and can't do. So when the woman shouts out the window about fighting to be Burgundian as we are british. It shows that the only real reason they want to be Burgundian is because it's British to fight for what we believe in and for our own rights.
The scene with the british throwing the "French" food is showing that we care for our own, as the British are overthrowing the police jst to give to the people they support and love.
The moment that Pimlico is technically back on British soil it rains, after an intense drought, the rain is a typical joke of the British and Foreigners that we are renowned for rain.

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